Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ten Things I Hate About Diabetes

  1. That split second just before the needle pricks my finger (sounds like whining, I know).
  2. The internal battle between what I know I should eat and what I want to eat when it's a special occasion and there is awesome food that I really like.
  3. Counting carbs -- or more accurately, rationing carbs since I love them and that's how I got into this position in the first place.
  4. Its effects on the health and lives of me, family and friends, particularly the amputations and foot issues.
  5. The stupid television commercials, with people who look a lot like me, promoting the benefits of some diabetes drug.
  6. The supposedly diabetes food products, including one that starts with the letter 'g', that is full of high fructose corn syrup and other unintelligible and unnatural ingredients.
  7. The conflicting dietary advice (I so wanted Dr. Barnard to be right, but his advice backfired badly for me.)
  8. The unpredictability and fickleness of blood sugar readings, especially in the morning.
  9. Carrying supplies and just-in-case food around.
  10. That it exists. 

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