Friday, March 25, 2011

I Feel Good and Portion Control

You know those commercials for fiber or laxatives or something like that to the tune "I Feeeel Good"?  Well, I do feel good.  This morning I weighed myself and that number is down nearly five pounds since last Saturday.  But there's more.  The naturopathic doctor at Canyon Ranch (CR), Dr. Kevin Murray, recommended dietary changes that resulted in immediate and dramatic results in my blood sugar and overall energy level and mood.  It makes me want to cry, because I am a smart person -- I read, think and for heaven's sake, work in a hospital with doctors, dietitians and educators.  I have tried very hard to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but cravings and mood issues have consistently driven me off track.  The 50 minutes with Dr. Murray were worth the price of admission to CR.
A few words about portion control -- look at your hand -- see your thumb -- if you have a slice of a dessert, that is about the length and width of the ones we got a CR.   Bend your thumb at the joint -- the length and width is about the size of their chocolate mousse serving.  So, it's quantity and quality. 

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