Monday, March 21, 2011

Sugar is Poison

Dateline, Canyon Ranch --  I learned a lot today.  The Canyon Ranch experience will take awhile to digest and write about.   In addition to 'sugar is poison', pasta, even the whole wheat kind, is right up there with sugar in the 'do not eat' category.  Dan, you had it right when you told me what I was doing wasn't good. 


  1. Whole-grains SOUND like a good idea, but (for me, anyway) they provoke over-eating just as much as refined carbs. What do they tell you about fruit? Because I think that it's just as bad.

  2. After awhile on the SBD (Stage One), you lose your cravings for a lot of sugary foods and drinks - a detox! I can't stand any soda pop at all. I drink seltzer water, coffee and tea. Desserts are harder. I eat less now and only occasionally in Stage Two.
